Chris Brown Details Punching Rihanna With Closed Fist & What Lead To Assualt

Chris Brown has detailed how he punched Rihanna with his closed

fist during his assault on her back in 2009.

The R&B crooner’s new documentary Chris Brown: Welcome to My

Life was premiered on Monday and a good portion was dedicated to

one of the most pivotal moments of his career, the night that he

brutal beat up Rihanna inside his Lamborghini in California. Chris

Brown was arrested and pleaded guilty to assault charges and has

since served five years probation for the incident.

Rihanna and Chris Brown reconciled briefly a few years ago but then

their relationship still never lasted and they have since went their

separate ways. This is perhaps the first time that Brown is going so

in-dept about the assault and what really happened leading up to the

incident. The singer said that Rihanna had asked her about a

particular female that worked for him at the time if they ever hooked

up and that was one of the things that caused the relationship to go


“I think that we were just the perfect ‘unbad’ combination, it was just

good and bad together,” Chris Brown said. “I would say maybe a year

and a half into the relationship with Rihanna I would say I was

serious about it. You know I was always goofy about everything else

but with Shorty I believe I had what I wanted in my girlfriend. So I

said you know what I want to marry you but I want before we go any

further I just want to be able to be honest with you and be real with

you about anything that you ever questioned or have doubts about.

She had asked me when we first started dating ‘have you ever

messed with this person.’ This person she worked for me at the time,

so I said ‘naa’ because I didn’t want to say all my business and I

didn’t know who she would tell if I would tell her what am doing.”

Before he said all of that, Chris Brown spoke about how they started

dating at 16 and how dangerous it was for them both to be so

famous at such a young age. Brown said that he finally come clean

about eight months later and by doing that it dealt a big blow to the

relationship because Rihanna didn’t trust him again. “So about eight

months later I just broke it to her and I said I want to marry you but I

want to be real with you, I want to be honest with you and tell you

everything. This is what it is, before we were together me and this

other girl did have sex. My trust was totally lost with her, she hated

me. After that I tried everything, she didn’t care, she just didn’t trust

me after that. From there, it just went downhill because there were

too many verbal fights, physical fights as well.”

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